In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away



I'm just feeling a bit angry... about what you said.


You said you'd love forever. That's what everyone says.

Then you broke your promises. Everything about our future and our relationship.


It was the horriblest day of my entire life. I just cried.

You said that I'm not good enough. That you're not into me anymore.

What happened to "I'll love you forever." and "you'll always be my number one" ? Were they all lies ?

Now you have another 'number one', and so do I.

But still I kinda miss your touch. Your voice when you were calling my name.


I hate you. You broke my heart. You came, made fool out of me and left me.

You left scars to my heart. They'll never heal.

Everything is 'cause of you.

Or... then I'm just not good enough.


Thanks for those lovely weeks when you 'loved' me. Thanks for that one fucking day.

The day what made my personality completely different.

Now I fear everything what everyone else are saying. I always fear that that same thing happens again.



I just wanna say that I loved all your lies. Lies that you really loved and cared about me.

In the end of our relationship I actually knew that they were lies. 'Cause you were saying everything good about other people. Everyone else but me.

You can guess how horrible that felt.


Thanks for ruining one part of my life <3